The Glamp-Ed Sisters

Sophia and Vanessa have been camping since before they can remember (thank you for the memories and film negatives, Kodak). Every summer was punctuated with at least one family camping trip. From Yosemite to Zion, these sisters have seen the better parts of California and her neighboring states. Despite their vast camping experience, there are many more paths to wander and tents to be pitched. After growing up in Southern California, Sophia has since relocated to Texas to explore the natural wonders of America's second-largest state. Vanessa remains in Southern California, though her exploratory reach grows wider every year. They have begun to explore the limits of camping comfort. Together, they have brought their stories and know-how here, to Glamp-Ed, to educate and inform readers about the wonders of nature and the sweet, sweet life of glamping.



The little sister.

From an early age, she has been a devout lover of all things living, from snails and snakes to dogs and cats. Even the occasional spider has crept its way into her heart. She currently holds the world record in recreational lizard catching -- or she would, if such a thing existed.

Vanessa has been an avid camper all of her life, and now that she has grown past the time of rugged family camping trips, she has begun to appreciate the finer things in life: hot coffee with her sunrises, soft blankets and pillows in her tent, and a glass of wine while relaxing in a hammock.

Still, just because she likes to be comfortable doesn't mean that she can't rough it when she needs to. There will always be room in her heart for canned beans and soot-covered hot dogs, and a little bit of dirt in the sleeping bag.





The big sister.

Sophia has carried her love for nature into her adulthood and continues to push her own boundaries and unearth new experiences in the wild outdoors: from backpacking Yosemite to camping out at the local lake. With her faithful companion, Shaunna, blazing the trail ahead, no adventure is too small and no challenge too grand.

The minimalism of rugged camping, however, doesn’t suit every mood. With her passion for good, home-cooked food and soft pillows, Sophia has answered the tempting call of glamping. After all, who doesn’t prefer a gourmet meal to freeze-dried pouch food, and hand-dripped coffee to instant powder? A little self-indulgence never hurt, and there’s no shame in adventuring with some of the comforts of home.